Monday, March 30, 2015

It's the beginning of the end!.... of the beginning :)‏

Smallest house ever!

with Sis. Zent at Lake Ouachita

Elder Stokes, Matt, Sis Zent & Me
This is week 6- the end of my first transfer!! The time has flown past!! I feel like I've been in Hot Springs forever though. 
I had my first baptism yesterday!!! 
It was a special experience. I've been to other baptisms- the elder's have had 2 and there were 3 member baptisms this past week. But I got to teach him. I was able to see the change he has undergone and how the Spirit has touched him and his life. What got me the most, was after he was baptized and was changing, his mom came up to us and thanked us for all that we've done for him. She said that we helped him in so many ways. 
The gospel does change lives!!! I've seen in and been able to watch the process now. It's incredible and true!!! So very true!

I know it was the "General Women's Broadcast", but I think the men need to hear President Eyring's talk. It was about our commitment to our covenants. How committed are we? Do we just hear the words, but forget that commitment? And if we do remember the commitment, are we ready and prepared to live them? Definitely worth listening to.

Sister Pochop

Scripture of the Week: 2 Nephi 31:20
20 Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.

Monday, March 23, 2015

The work moves on...

March 23, 2015

I didn't get any mail at all this past week!!!! But other than that this week was good. :) We have new investigators! They are a sweet couple that recently moved to Hot Springs. We have only taught them once so far, but they did come to church on Sunday. We look forward to continue teaching them. 

We were able to do a lot of service this week as well. I love to be able to serve! Service has always made me feel useful, so doing so and being a missionary was a great experience. We helped people move, which was a lot of work, and it happened to be on one of the hot days! But it was still good.

 We had exchanges with the STLs. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from as many missionaries as I can. I look forward to our next exchanges.

 We had a really good lesson with our top investigator. He is getting baptized on Sunday. (My first one!!!) He has been struggling with quitting smoking, so we asked if he wanted a blessing. It was so powerful! The Spirit was so strong and definitely touched him. I'm so thankful that I was able to be there to experience it with him. 

Scripture of the Week: Moroni 7:42-44

42  Wherefore, if a man have faith he must needs have hope; for without faith there cannot be any hope.

43  And again, behold I say unto you that he cannot have faith and hope, save he shall be meek, and lowly of heart.

44  If so, his faith and hope is vain, for none is acceptable before God, save the meek and lowly in heart; and if a man be meek and lowly in heart, and confesses by the power of the Holy Ghost that Jesus is the Christ, he must needs have charity; for if he have not charity he is nothing; wherefore he must needs have charity.


(Book of Mormon | Moroni 7:42 - 44)


Sister Pochop

Monday, March 16, 2015

Halfway through a transfer!

I can't believe I've been here 3 weeks!! I feel like I just got here yesterday! The work has been going well here in Hot Springs!! The elders in the ward had another baptism yesterday. It was powerful- he was beaming when he came out of the water. He really does have a testimony and was prepared for what he just committed himself to.

Last Tuesday, we had a specialized training meeting. It's just a meeting that is special :D But really, we just talked about improving and REFINING the mission. It was pretty helpful.

COOL STUFF!!! We are getting iPads in May! We are 1 of 5 missions chosen from the Southeast America missions to get them. It's pretty exciting! President Wakolo showed us the letter from the brethren. They have great faith in us! I hope no one lets them down.

March 28, the Church is putting out the Easter 2015 video, "Because He Lives." It is amazing!!! You need to check it out when its available!! And share it with your friends! It exemplifies the fact that He lives. And shows the importance and belief in Him that we, as Mormons, have.
We are kind of at a stand still with Ethan. He went home for Spring Break, so we haven't seen him for a week. Matt is doing great! He came to church again and witnessed the Elder's baptism. He really feels at home in the church, which is a great sign. We just need him to have the desire to quick smoking. He says he can, but doesn't quite want to yet, but we plan on committing him again this week.

Harvesting (tracting) is good. Since this is the Bible Belt, not everyone is super friendly to the Mormon missionaries.. Haha -- what's really funny is that those we visit with always ask how old I am. I tell them, and they are shocked!!! They ALL say "I thought you were 10!" So I lost a couple years, but they always tell me how good it is to look young. Some things never change :)

Keep the letters and emails, prayers, and love coming!!!!!

I love y'all!!

Sister Pochop

Scripture of the Week: D&C 6:36
36  aLook unto me in every bthought; cdoubt not, fear not.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Working hard and MTC pictures

I got the package!!! Thank you soo much!! It looks yummy with all the glorious dark chocolate!! And the Milanos are adorable!! I didn't know they had snack travel packs. The thing about "Hot Springs National Park" is that Hot Springs is a national park. I think its the whole town. So it's kinda cool and makes you feel special.
The Bradshaw's can't grow up!!!!! Mac isn't allowed to drive! The Wakolo's are amazing! That's really cool that Sister Janet Bradshaw knew them.

Speaking of people that know each other through the church, do you know a Julia David? That's her married name. She used to live in San Bernardino in Uncle John's ward. She knew them and Freddie. They are apparently friends on Facebook, and she saw that I was coming here. I forgot to ask if she knew you. It was the first Sunday here and I was overwhelmed with all the people here.

Tell Sister Rodriguez "thanks!" and Khia, "HI!" How's my class?? I miss them.

Guess who has been playing the piano for District and Zone meetings and correlation meetings (ward missionaries, mission leader, and full-time missionaries)? Yours truly!! I enjoy it. I'm the only one that can play. They were so excited to hear that I could. So don't you worry- I'm still playing :)

So here's a little about the work. We have two strong investigators: Ethan and Matt. They both have baptismal dates- I actually invited Ethan on my first day!! So that was a really cool experience! I have been teaching Ethan since his first lesson, where I invited him. I've only been teaching Matt since the third lesson. They have both changed so much in the short time we've met with them. Their countenances are brighter. It is amazing to have seen the Light of Christ change these young men. They are working on quitting smoking- which is hard. Some elders that used to serve here had an investigator struggle with quitting smoking, so they prayed about what to do. Their answer was to use cinnamon: toothpaste, mouthwash, gum, candy. Something in the cinnamon somehow works. Of course the faith and desire is necessary as well. We're just working on that.
Scripture of the Week:
 But if ye will aturn to the Lord with full purpose of heart, and put your trust in him, and serve him with all bdiligence of mind, if ye do this, he will, according to his own will and pleasure, deliver you out of bondage.
(Book of Mormon | Mosiah 7:33)

This was our last Sunday. All of us but Searle and Judd left that Tuesday- they left Wednesday. Didn't we grow up so fast? ;)
The sun was in our faces which is why we are all squinting and I look weird!!


Monday, March 2, 2015

First area is......

Welcome to Hot Springs, Arkansas!!!!!!!! Hot Springs in the birthday place of Bill Clinton. It's a small town southwest of Little Rock. It's a nice town- I'm not saying that I would ever want to live here, but it's a good area. I've met a lot of the people in my ward, but still don't have them all straight yet. I recognize the faces!! But not the names.

My companion and trainer is Sister Camille Zent. She is from Wyoming and has been out for 4 months. She's really nice and friendly. She knows why she is here on a mission which is important and helpful to the cause. This is the only area she has served in so far, so she really knows the area.

We live in this cute, little apartment off the main road.
The address is:
Sister Paige Pochop
200 Lakeland Dr G-1
Hot Springs, AR 71913.
That way all mail and packages can come straight to me and I won't have to wait until transfer or zone meetings. Speaking of those, I have received all my warm clothes, bedding, cute skirts, and everything else that was in those boxes. Thank you!!!

I was a complete and utter doofus and forgot my camera. The only pictures I could have sent you were from the MTC because I haven't had it with me here. I'm trying to learn the roads and remember the people, so it hasn't really been on the top of my mind.

Speaking now about the work. On my first day here, I invited someone to be baptized and he accepted!!!!! Then two days later we invited another investigator to be baptized and he said yes as well!!! The dates for those are March 15, and March 29. It was really exciting and powerful to be there and feel the Spirit so powerfully. We have been teaching them with members, and I have to say that its powerful. Members can bring in personal experiences that are more relatable than if it just came from us missionaries. Will you (as a member) commit to go out and teach with the missionaries?

Shopping is good. We have food left over and member's had brought us meals.

I'm feeling great. Still overwhelmed with not knowing anyone, but its getting better. You know me- I like to look at things from the outside then act. I can't really do that as a missionary. I have to act then look at things. But I'll manage.

I'm an aunt again?!??! That's exciting!! (Did you ever tell Doug about my MTC teacher? I think I emailed and wrote about it. I'll send a picture next week- I don't have his email.) I'm a second time aunt and still haven't met them. HMM... one day!! :)
Congrats to Tyson!! Congratulations to the Steveson's!!!
Sister Pochop